
What Is Reflexology?

What Is Reflexology?
Reflexology is a form of massage that involves applying pressure to areas on your
feet. It is thought to be relaxing and can help relieve pain Urban Bliss Putrajaya. Reflexologists also
believe that it may improve your mood, energy levels and sleep. It is also believed to
be an effective treatment for stress-related conditions, such as anxiety, depression
and fatigue. It is important to note that there is not enough research to show that
reflexology works.

What Is Reflexology and How Does It Work? Benefits, Research, Safety
Foot reflexology is based on the theory that areas of your feet correspond to
different parts of the body There are many different techniques that your massage
therapist might use, including pulling on the toes, pressing into the arch of the foot
or massaging the heel area. In addition to the foot, reflexology can be done on the
hands and face.
The purpose of massage is to relax muscles and increase blood flow. Reflexology
aims to balance the body through the application of pressure on the feet and hands,
which are considered to be body maps. The thumb or fingers inch along the zones
and reflex points, working at a pressure level that the client finds “good”-like it is
“doing something” but not painful. The practitioner will often work on sensitive areas
that indicate an imbalance in the body map or a meridian.
During a reflexology session, you will likely find that your breath slows and becomes
deeper as you relax. In addition, your heart rate and blood pressure may drop, which
is great for those suffering from cardiovascular issues.

Reflexology: Uses, Benefits, Safety, & What to Expect
Some people may experience a light-headed feeling or dizziness after a reflexology
session. It is thought to be a natural part of the healing process, but it’s important to
let your massage therapist know if you have these symptoms. They can offer
suggestions to help you reduce or avoid this reaction in the future.
Many people seek out reflexology for the same reasons that they might get a
massage, such as improving their mood and reducing pain. However, there is a
difference in technique between reflexology and massage therapy. Reflexology
practitioners have specialized training in working the feet, hands and outer ears.
They usually earn at least a Professional-level membership in the Reflexology
Association of America (RAA).
Reflexology is safe for most people, but you should tell your massage therapist if
you have gout, blood clots or any circulatory problems that make you more prone to
bleeding or bruising. It is also not recommended for women who are pregnant, as
some pressure points on the feet can induce labor. However, if you’re at the end of
your pregnancy and it’s time to have your baby, reflexology can be used to promote
relaxation and prepare the body for childbirth.